According to a fearless forecast, more than 82% of all internet traffic will comprise video by 2022. As videos gain more traction online, we see their benefits for marketing, entertainment, and training. With that said, technological advancements enhance further and allow for digital marketing to evolve with it rapidly.

As a business in the modern age, it is integral to recognize that video is vital for marketing strategies. Teams must keep up with this growing trend of video creation to promote their products or services, even without prior knowledge or training, which is why it’s important to learn even the basics of creating video content.

With the rise of social media, content production and dissemination have become much more accessible. Because of this, professional groups have started to offer services that help companies streamline their video content production. In today’s fast-paced environment, outsourcing video content can help your business in its marketing efforts. 

Here are some reasons why you should consider it:

Reason #1: You Can Attract Top Talent

Technology has allowed us to connect and flourish in an unprecedented way. With a surplus of many different services, video creation is one of them, but at the same time, finding excellent talent is tricky because there are many other freelancers available online. 

Top-notch employees are very critical to your company’s success. Do your research and spend time vetting your candidates before you outsource a freelancer. Hiring top personnel may be difficult, which is why working with a firm that already has a talented workforce may be more cost-effective.

Reason #2: You Can Stay On Top of Constantly Evolving Trends

The digital marketing industry evolves rapidly, which means you must keep up with its pace to succeed. After all, previous techniques that were effective before may no longer be as effective now. 

To not get left behind, employ a verified production team continually at the forefront of technology, video trends, equipment, and procedures.

Reason #3: You Can Manage Your Time and Resources Efficiently

While it seems like a time-saving approach, working with one-off freelancers can also be time-consuming. With freelancers, you spend more time gathering information about every candidate, brainstorming and completing each project individually, and monitoring each process to ensure high-quality results. 

In creating video material, be sure to consider every possible possibility. Consider what is required and how much time and energy you would devote to these tasks. Hiring a team to handle your project from start to finish might let the weight off your shoulders.

Reason #4: You Can Fully Leverage Your Capacity

Effectively generating material may involve a team with time, knowledge, and expertise. To fully leverage your capacity, know the value of your money, and invest in a video production team that can help you stick to your budget. 

It’s also important to remain diligent, as this ensures your money goes to the best aspects of the project when working with professional creatives.

Reason #5: You Can Scale Intelligently

To groom your in-house video production team, you must first put the necessary facilities (purchasing equipment, training, and systems required). Furthermore, assess the particular demands of your company’s video marketing. 

Each business’ demands vary, and whether or not you need to set up a full-scale media production center depends on you. It may not be the greatest solution for you, but it certainly helps scale and develop rapidly for those more prominent organizations. 

Make decisions wisely when investing your money to build a video marketing team within your company. This option may also offer you the flexibility to change and respond to the evolving demands and financial constraints.


Whether you join in or not, the video revolution is underway. Don’t let 2022 be the year when your organization falls behind simply because you failed to produce video content. Shake off the intimidating thoughts and take on the new challenges. Despite the difficulties, there are teams you can work with to alleviate the hassle. With them, you can keep your business on top of the game.

Are you looking for video marketing services in Atlanta? Lavender Digital is a video marketing agency that focuses on the holistic growth of your business. We’re committed to captivate audiences, inspire the digital sphere, and drive your sales higher. Learn more about our solutions—schedule a complimentary discovery session today!